Month: February 2024

D. I. Y. M. E.

Describe the most ambitious DIY project you’ve ever taken on. I have renovated a couple of houses over the years but I think my most ambitious DIY project is my personal and spiritual growth. The project is still well and truly underway with no end in sight. The budget was blown years ago and the […]


Words have power

If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why? If I could ban “war” and “racism” and “fear” and “cruelty” and “hate” I would, but would banning a word removed its power from the world? Would we find other words to replace them? Words are powerful but we […]


Watch this space.

What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months? I don’t usually answer these prompts but this caught my eye. In the next six months I want to finish writing two books. The first is a non fiction book on criticism for creatives, the second, a contemporary romance. I was going […]
