What do you love?

Chocolate Brownies. Chocolate anything.

New socks. That fake wool stuff that is probably bad for the environment but feels nice.

Classical music. Rock music. Music. Except country music. No Shotgun for me, thanks.


How were all connected.

Avocado on toast. Hotel rooms. Infinity edge pools facing the sunset.

My iPhone. It might not be PC but I love my phone.

Journals. Books. Book shops. Journals from bookshops, the fancy ones.

Weddings. Babies. Rainbows.

Whittaker’s Peanut Slab.

The friends you meet while buying a Whittaker’s Peanut Slab who save your sanity. I’m looking at you, Shazza.


Puppies, kittens. Cats. My cats. Cats in general. Greyhounds that lean on you when you pat them.


Kind people. Funny people. People who arrive on time where possible.

Organisation, but not if it’s imposed. But I do like my colour co-ordinated book shelf far more than I’d like to admit.

Clean-sheet night.


Coffee. God, I love coffee.


The cinema, the way the movie surrounds you when other people don’t rustle their crisp packet. Really good tv shows, and some bad ones.

Stand-Up comedy. Stand-Up paddle boarding. Stand-Up guys.

Stonehenge. Travel to places i know really well. Going to new places is great but can be scary until I know them really well. rinse and repeat.

Did I say rain already? I love it twice.

Vegan food, vego food…food.

The beach.

Hippos. Nobody ever expects a hippo.

Dinner with friends. Lunch with friends. Breakfast…you get the idea. Friends. Food. Maybe some fairy lights and a long wooden table. Pizza and Prosecco. Bubbly water, eh, Julia?

Writing. Reading, Rithmatic, when it matters.



Tyler Feder <3 on insta…


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